Powerful biocidal disinfectant which kills micro-organisms, bacteria and viruses

Smite Professional

Powerful biocidal disinfectant

Smite! micro-organisms,
bacteria and viruses

Highly efficient cleaner

Smite! organic matter where mite parasites breed and thrive


Smite! build-up of waxes and faecal deposits

Kokzi Des

Specialised, broad-spectrum, high-grade, anti-coccidial disinfectant

Eliminates shed endoparasites, worm eggs, coccidia, cryptosporidia and clostridia

Highly efficient cleaner

Smite! build-up of waxes and faecal deposits

Smite Professional is part of the Smite brand portfolio
Please visit our Smite Organic or Smite Biocare websites


Smite is stocked by many agricultural merchants and pet stores worldwide. Some products may not be available in all countries; please check with your local distributor or call Pesttrappa on +44 (0)1246 264635 to check availability.
New stockists are always welcome.
Please contact us for information on your local stockist


01246 264635

PestTrappa, Whittington Way, Chesterfield, S41 9AG. TEL: 01246 264635 Fax: 01246 269634
© Design is copyright PestTrappa 2018. PestTrappa is part of the Peak Bridge Group